Constructed similar to link and img tags, with specific attributes depending on the type of information you want to include: <meta />
<meta name="description" content="Profile website of Meghan Louttit, including her programming and design work at The New York Times, The Washington Post, and a blog about eating vegan in Brooklyn. />
Add both a description and author tag to your root folder's index.html file and to your week2 index.html page (or whatever page you've been working on for homework).
Configure git pages to host your project.
In the stylesheet for your week 2 index.html (or wherever you're working on your "Favorite Books" page), attempt to create a grid of columns using the CSS property float. Use your class book and Google as a starting point.
Pick at least one story you've read/watched/interacted with this week on your phone or tablet and post it in the #spring2015 Slack with a sentence or two about what you like or didn't like about it. Concentrate on why it did or didn't work on your mobile device.