If you haven't already, make sure you start accounts for Slack and GitHub. Once you are on Slack, go to the spring2016 room and paste in your GitHub username.
Create a folder on your laptop somewhere easily accessible. You will create all your files in this folder, so it's important to know where you save it and to keep it organzied.
When naming your directories and files please remember:
Open Sublime and start a new file. Save this file to your site's root directory and name it index.html. This will be your site's homepage.
The file extension simply tells your text editor and the browser what type of file (what language) it's opening and displaying. Your file extension should match the language you're writing in. In this class, we will primarily be working with three file extensions: .html, .css, .js
This is the directory for your site that is stored on your machine. You can access it by viewing your index file in a web browser, but no one else can see it.
When you upload your site files to a server they are then considered "live" and (in most cases) can be accessed by anyone who has the URL.
It is best to work on your site locally and then upload changes, as opposed to working live.
Type <h1>Hello, World!</h1> in your index.html file, save it, and open in a browser.
Download the document from Slack called weekone_worksheet.docx and save a copy to your computer. Fill in the answers either print out and bring to the next class or send to Meghan via DM in Slack.