This site is for students in CUNY's Programming for Journalists modules, taught by Meghan Louttit, with lab assistance from Jue Yang. Below are links to lesson presentations, assignments, recommended readings and downloads.
Meghan's Contact Info:
Jue's Contact Info
Slack hours will be held once a week. If you can't be available during Slack hours or need more one-on-one help, please contact me via email or Slack to set up a time outside of class.
This course is an attempt to not only introduce you to programming, but to strip away the mystery behind how the Internet works, how files are created, how websites are stored and served, and to introduce to you the development process behind most web apps and projects. We will use tools and systems that you will come across in most newsrooms today. The goal is to make you familiar with the underlying processes so that as these tools inevitably evolve and change over time you will have the base understanding that will allow you to adapt to these changes.
This course will be structured around short exercises demonstrating various concepts and methods in markup, styling and programming. There will be reading and guided exercises assigned for homework and plenty of in-class practice. The homework assignments are meant to introduce you to terms and concepts while the workshops are meant to help you practice and troubleshoot while you have the help of instructors.
Programming can be tedious and you will get frustrated at times - don't let that scare you. Even the most seasoned programmers make minor mistakes. The trick is knowing how to problem solve so you can catch those mistakes quickly. This will likely be the most valuable thing you learn in this course.